Michael Bedzyk
ProfessorMaterials Science and Engineering
Northwestern’s eminence in nanotechnology offers world-class facilities and expertise in an array of materials characterization tools that span length scales across several orders of magnitude from atomic/molecular scale to macroscopic structures. These include instrumentation facilities for electron and optical microscopy (EPIC), surface science analysis (Keck-II), scanning probe microscopy (SPID), and micro/nanofabrication (NUFAB).
Material characterization studies conducted at Northwestern include: scanning tunneling microscopy that enables atomic-scale visualization of quantum phenomena; atom-probe tomography for imaging 3D atom-by-atom analytical imaging with sub-nanometer spatial resolution; unique capability for combined SXRD and XSW-excited-HAXPES to obtain atomic-scale buried structures; nanostructure tomography to measure composition and strain at interfaces; and ultrafast optical and time-resolved pulse EPR spectroscopy to manipulate and control coherent spin states.