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Meeting Attendees

Koray Aydin

Koray Aydin

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
The research program in the Metamaterials and Nanophotonic Devices Lab is mainly focused on the broad area of nanophotonics, an emerging field strategically positioned at the intersection of electrical engineering, applied physics, materials science and nanoscience. We are investigating optical metamaterials, plasmonics, metasurfaces and solid-state nanophotonics to understand the interaction between light and nanoscale photonic materials and to control and manipulate these interactions at will.
Michael Bedzyk

Michael Bedzyk

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and (by courtesy) Physics and Astronomy | Co-Director, Northwestern Synchroton Research Center
Bedzyk's research group develops novel X-ray probes for atomic-scale characterization of surfaces, interfaces, ultra-thin-films and nanostructures. In addition to using an in-house X-ray lab, they make extensive use of synchrotron X-ray facilities, where there is greatly enhanced chemical and structural sensitivity for studying systems as dilute as one-hundredth of an atomic monolayer.
Randall Berry

Randall Berry

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Prof. Berry's research covers resource allocation problems that arise in networked systems ranging from communication networks to social networks. This work uses mathematical models to gain insights into such systems and draws on tools from stochastic modeling, optimization, economics and algorithms. 
Venkat Chandrasekhar

Venkat Chandrasekhar

Professor, Physics
Experimental mesoscopic physics: properties of micrometer and nanometer scale devices at low temperatures. Electrical and heat transport in proximity-coupled normal metals and superconductors; spin-polarized transport in ferromagnet/normal-metal and ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures; electrical and spin transport in topological van der Waals’ structures; millikelvin range scanning probe microscopy; transport and magnetization dynamics in nanomagnets; magnetic, surface and electrical properties of complex oxides. High frequency instrumentation and measurement, superconducting qubits, quantum information.
Vinayak P. Dravid

Vinayak P. Dravid

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; Founder, NUANCE


Using multimodal and advanced electron microscopy to understand the relationship between quantum microstructure and coherence in superconducting qubits. Collaborators: SQMS
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano

Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano

Associate Vice President for Research | Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Superconducting qubit-based sensing and computing; applications of qubit-based sensing to particle physics
Pallab Goswami

Pallab Goswami

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy


My research interests are focused on developing theoretical tools for addressing emergent quantum phases and quantum phase transitions in correlated and disordered materials, with an emphasis on underlying topological properties. This is motivated by the recent progress in quantum material science, which is allowing us to study competing orders, topological properties, and quantum critical phenomena on various material platforms. I enjoy working on abstract theoretical problems and close collaborations with different experimental groups.
Songi Han

Songi Han

Mark and Nancy Ratner Professor of Chemistry


The Han Lab is interested in the development of novel methods that reveal “invisible” NMR signal of quantum materials using out of the box tools. We have been motivated by answering the questions: What if the larger quantum sensing community has a large blind spot by not considering quantum resonance phenomena? What if electron spin cluster design can transform dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) enhanced NMR, hyperfine electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and nanodiamond based quantum sensors? To answer these questions we have designed novel coupled electron-nuclear spin clusters, and performed DNP-enhanced NMR near the optical limit that permits the initialization at pure spin state in steady state, facilitated quantum operation and permits the study of spin dynamics and physics in the absence of certain thermal noise. The design, triaging and optimization of coupled electron-nuclear spin clusters to achieve long-range quantum sensing requires dual NMR and EPR manipulation, detection, and characterization tools at high magnetic fields. The goal is to utilize the knowledge gained in these extreme limits to develop quantum sensing applications in water and under biologically relevant conditions.
Nikos Hardavellas

Nikos Hardavellas

Professor of Computer Science | Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Parallel systems, computer architecture, microarchitecture, nanophotonics, memory systems, design for dark silicon, memory-oriented system design, quantum computer systems.
Mark Hersam

Mark Hersam

Walter P. Murphy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, additive manufacturing, scanning probe microscopy, renewable energy, and quantum information science; many collaborators in chemistry, physics, and engineering.
Mahdi Hosseini

Mahdi Hosseini

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Quantum light interactions with rare-earth quantum centers in solids, photonic devices, optomechanical and levitation sensing systems, and the applications of quantum squeezed light in sensing and communication.
John Ketterson

John Ketterson

Professor of Physics and Astronomy and (by courtesy) Electrical and Computer Engineering | Fayreweather Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Professor Ketterson currently studies the magnetic and superconducting properties, both static and dynamic, of bulk materials and patterned nanostructures, particularly those associated with collective quantum behavior. He also studies various linear and non-linear optical phenomena with special emphasis on those associated with excitons and plasmons in bulk materials as well as thin films and various nanostructured forms.
Pedram Khalili

Pedram Khalili

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Quantum materials, spintronics, magnetic tunnel junctions, quantum-inspired computing architectures, co-design and integration of CMOS and emerging device technologies.
Jens Koch

Jens Koch

Professor of Physics and Astronomy | Deputy Director, SQMS | Co-Director, CAPST
Jens Koch’s research interests in theoretical condensed matter physics include strongly correlated quantum systems, quantum information processing with solid-state devices as well as transport and coherence in nanoscale systems.
Istvan Kovacs

Istvan Kovacs

Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Quantum networks, quantum entanglement, quantum phase transitions, quantum anbealing, Kae Nemoto
Matthew Krzyaniak

Matthew Krzyaniak

Research Associate Professor, Chemistry

Matthew Krzyaniak's research focuses on the study of electron spins in organic radicals and those generated through photo driven processes in small molecules and material for applications in the quantum information sciences.
Prem Kumar

Prem Kumar

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering | Director, Center for Photonic Communication and Computing
Quantum communications and quantum information processing/computing, quantum sensing and imaging, fiber-optic communications
Hooman Mohseni

Hooman Mohseni

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics & Astronomy
New quantum optoelectronic devices with breakthrough performance. Light-matter interaction, novel materials, new nano-fabrication methods, and heterogenous integration. Many collaborators in material science, physics, and biomedical engineering
Focused on theoretical and computational aspects of quantum communication networks and protocols for generation, distribution, and manipulation of quantum entanglement. Currently part of a MURI project with Saikat Guha (Univ of Arozona and Univ of Maryland).
Amit Prachand

Amit Prachand

Associate Vice President, Information and Analytics | Office of the Provost

Amit Prachand leads efforts to collect, integrate, and analyze institutional and external data to support institutional decision-making, planning, and policy development.
James Rondinelli

James Rondinelli

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Rondinelli is a computational materials physicists with interest in electronic structure theory and design of transition-metal compounds, alloys, and molecules using picoscale structure-property relationships. His research addresses grand challenges in the structure and dynamics of complex electronic, magnetic, and optical materials to enable future twenty-first century technologies.
George Schatz

George Schatz

Professor, Chemistry
Our research involves theory and computation as applies to problems in nanotechnology, properties of materials, macromolecular structures and dynamics, molecular self-assembly, optics, plasma science, materials physics and biophysics.
Selim Shahriar

Selim Shahriar

AT&T Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Fast-light Enhanced Rotation Sensing, Holographic Image and Video Correlators, Super-luminal Propagation of Light, Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms, Holographic Beam Combining, Gravitational Wave Detection, Measurement of Frame Dragging Effect
Nathaniel Stern

Nathaniel Stern

Professor, Physics and Astronomy


Professor Stern’s research is focused on the fundamental quantum interactions of photons with atoms, nano-scale structures, and magnetic materials. Stern’s research objective is to explore the novel optical, spin, and magnetic properties of integrated nano-scale and hybrid photonic systems, focusing on the quantum interactions and collective behavior between photons and low-dimensional electronic structures.
Roel Tempelaar

Roel Tempelaar

Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Our group seeks to unravel how quantum mechanics dictates the optical and dynamical properties of biologically relevant and emerging materials. In many such materials, a multitude of components such as electrons, nuclei, and optical modes interact, resulting in behavior that seems nontrivial based on known fundamental principles. 
Aravindan Vijayaraghavan

Aravindan Vijayaraghavan

Associate Professor of Computer Science
I work on the theory and algorithms related to quantum information and quantum computing. One example is algorithms for measuring and detecting entanglement in quantum systems.
Michael R. Wasielewski

Michael R. Wasielewski

Clare Hamilton Hall Professor of Chemistry | Faculty Member, Applied Physics Program | Director, Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction | Director, INQUIRE
Prof. Wasielewski’s research centers on light-driven processes in molecules and materials, artificial photosynthesis, molecular electronics, quantum information science, ultrafast optical spectroscopy, and time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Ryan Young

Ryan Young

Research Professor, Chemistry
My research within the Wasielewski group focuses on fundamental photophysics in organic molecular systems used for quantum sensing, logic gate operations, and communication protocols at ultrafast timescales.