The Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction (CMQT) exploits recent breakthroughs from its team including landmark coherence times and stabilities of molecular qubits and quantum materials, the ability to create hybrid qubits, and resonant photonic architectures. As the CMQT research team moves forward, its approach includes both ensemble-level studies to rapidly understand interactions, and development of single-molecule methods to interface molecular Quantum Information Science (QIS) with other QIS platforms. CMQT is also leveraging cutting-edge physical measurement techniques with high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution to understand how to transition quantum-to-quantum transduction from the ensemble to the single molecule level.
CMQT's goals are embodied by three cross-cutting Research Thrusts with closely integrated approaches and team synergies that progressively exploit the flexibility and tunability of molecular architectures to address quantum-to-quantum transduction at increasing length scales. Individually, the Thrusts each pose and answer fundamental questions relevant to quantum transduction in different regimes, ranging from local to long-distance. Taken together, the Thrusts develop a transformative integrated framework for how molecules can facilitate quantum transduction at all the scales relevant for quantum information science.
Research Thrust 1: Molecular Spin-Photon Quantum Transduction

The goal of Thrust 1 is to develop quantum-to-quantum transduction between molecular spins and photons, spanning organic and hybrid materials, with photons spanning visible, telecom, and microwave frequencies. Strong interactions are necessary for quantum transduction. In Phase 1, CMQT established spin-photon interactions in (1) molecular spin materials coupled to microcavities, and (2) molecular color centers, which are molecular analogues to diamond nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers where spin determines photon emission. In Phase 2, CMQT will build on these platforms and use spin-photon coupling to link spin-spin transduction platforms from Thrust 2 with photons for wider transmission.
Research Thrust 2: Molecular Spin-Spin Quantum Transduction
The goal of Thrust 2 is to explore the transfer of angular momentum in spin-spin interactions to develop a modular and generalized approach to transducing quantum information between dissimilar quantum systems. We will explore both local, e.g., qubits within the same molecule or between coupled molecular- solid state qubits, and distributed, e.g., spin-magnon and spin-magnon-spin, coupling to understand and control flow of quantum information. Our team builds on a track record of success in Phase 1, where work has focused on three regimes of spin-spin coupling that we build upon for this renewal proposal: (1) transduction between paramagnetic molecular spins and excitations of ferrimagnetically ordered materials like vanadium tetracyanoethylene, V(TCNE)x, (magnons or spin-waves), (2) transduction between paramagnetic electron spins within an extended molecular system, and (3) transduction between paramagnetic spins on different materials, e.g., molecules and solid-state color centers.
Research Thrust 3: Molecular Transduction as a Cross-cutting Approach for Readout
The goal of Thrust 3 is to pioneer new strategies for employing transduction to enhance readout of quantum information contained in molecular spin qubits. By deploying approaches from Thrusts 1 and 2, CMQT will apply two distinct but complementary methods using transduction between molecular spin and charge states to facilitate readout: (1) transducing a spin qubit to a different spin-sensitive host whose state can be more easily read out, and (2) converting a spin qubit to a charge state accessible for electrical readout, which can potentially be compatible with on-chip quantum information platforms. In both approaches, transduction in or between molecules is a key step that enables new measurement schemes. Thrust 3 is a new effort with no direct antecedent in the first phase of the center; rather, it pursues innovative opportunities to apply the diverse molecular and material transduction strategies of CMQT to the important and pervasive problem of readout of quantum systems that would not be possible without the broad scope, diverse integrated team, and ongoing exchange of ideas and perspective ingrained in a center-level effort.